Best Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Hulimavu, Bangalore. CAPAAR has a Pediatric Physiotherapist who are uniquely positioned to treat disorders of children with special needs. Our pediatric occupational therapists work with parents and children to overcome their particular challenge and enhance their performances at home, school, in extra-curricular activities while augmenting their social skills. We start by assessing their present capabilities and understanding their unique needs before setting out to fulfill them. The assessments are a combination of tests standardized against those of average children.
Autism is a life-long developmental disorder, which does not progress or worsen during the person’s lifetime. CAPAAR has the Best Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Hulimavu, Bangalore. Autism is the most common autistic spectrum disorder and affects communication and social skills. The symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder can present themselves in myriad combinations like mildly or severely impeded development in thinking, learning, behavioral and social skills. Autism generally appears before a child is three years of age. The condition is characterized by difficulties in social interaction, restricted and repetitive behavior patterns, interests or activities.
Many adults and children with autistic spectrum disorder also have difficulties with sensory information processing. Research conducted recently shows that between 75 and 95% of children with autistic spectrum disorder may have numerous difficulties in processing sensory information. In her books, a woman by the name of Temple Grandin, who is afflicted with the condition, discusses her sensitivity to light, touch, and sounds. She relates how she used a deep-pressure touch technique to reduce her sensitivity to touch and soothe her nervous system.
Pediatric sensory processing difficulties may present themselves in the following forms:
CAPAAR is the Best Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Hulimavu, Bangalore. It specializes in evaluation and therapies for children and young adults who have an autistic spectrum disorder. We work with all kinds of pediatric autism cases and work with children who attend regular schools and children whose difficulties are severe enough to enroll them in special schools. A large number of children we work with have severe behavioral issues like self-injurious conduct, causing a major challenge to parents, educators and health staff working them.
Our assessment comprises of a coordinated plan involving standard tests and questionnaires. The child will also be observed in familiar environments like home and school. If your child exhibits sensory processing problems, a comprehensive sensory evaluation will also be carried out. This will be followed by a detailed and multi-dimensional therapy and care plan, which will be formulated by our experts and discussed with you. This will include ongoing case management, training, and feedback.
CAPAAR has the Best Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Hulimavu, Bangalore. ADHD and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) are umbrella classifications for a range of behavioral problems stemming from a poor attention span. This can include abnormal degrees of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The symptoms are noticeable from early childhood and can be major causes of concern at home and at school. The difficulties associated with ADHD and ADD can prevent the child from acquiring proper learning and socializing skills.
Boys are more likely to get afflicted with ADHD and ADD than girls. In many children, these conditions are accompanied by related difficulties. Research has shown that about half the children suffering from these disorders also have dyspraxia or developmental coordination disorder. As many as around 60% of children with the conditions also have sensory processing difficulties.
A child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder may display the following characteristics:
Many children afflicted with ADHD also exhibit signs of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) or Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID). In a research conducted on children separately diagnosed with SPD and ADHD, it was found that roughly 60% of the children had signs of both disorders.
Children with SPD/SID and ADHD exhibit some of the following characteristics:
As usual, we will carry out a comprehensive assessment of the child in order to identify the nature and extent of his or her difficulties. A combination of standard tests and observational evaluations will zero in on the specific problems related to sensory perception, motor coordination, organization, and planning. Again, we will share the results with you and recommend the most therapy options most appropriate for your child’s care.
Depending on assessment results, a number of therapy options are available for the child. If he or she is afflicted with both ADHD and SPD, a combination of cognition improvement measures and sensory integration approached may be used. The therapy will be focused on reaching the goals set for your child in the formulation of the therapy plan and will be geared towards having fun.
Some of the therapy options may be:
Best Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Hulimavu, Bangalore. CAPAAR has the best treatment for this Down’s syndrome.It is a condition in which a baby is born with an extra copy of its 21st chromosome. The condition causes delays in both physical and mental development as well as disabilities. Many of the disabilities are lifelong and they can also reduce life expectancy.
People with Down’s syndrome and their families can now have institutional support. With recent medical advances, patients now have many opportunities to overcome the challenges caused by the condition and still lead otherwise healthy and fulfilling lives.
Both parents pass on their genes, carried in chromosomes, to their babies. Each cell of the baby is supposed to have 46 pairs of chromosomes, 23 chromosomes from each parent. The developing fetus should have two pairs of chromosome 21.
But in children with Down’s syndrome, one of the chromosomes 21 fails to split properly and the baby ends up with a third extra, partial, copy of chromosome 21 instead of two. This extra chromosome interrupts the child’s growth even as the brain and physical features develop.
There are three types of Down syndrome:
There are no signs that the baby has Down’s syndrome during pregnancy, though the condition can be detected during routine screening in the prenatal period. At birth, babies with Down’s syndrome usually have these physical characteristics:
A baby with Down’s syndrome will be of average size at birth but will develop slower than a normal child. There can also be mild to moderate physical, mental and social disabilities. The last two may manifest in:
People with Down’s syndrome may also have the following medical complications:
Down’s syndrome also makes people more vulnerable to infection. Patients may struggle with skin, respiratory, urinary and other infections.
Best Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Hulimavu, Bangalore. CAPAAR says that Cerebral palsy is a common physical disability in children. The condition is a physical disorder that affects the child’s motor skills and is caused by damage to the brain before or after birth. In cerebral palsy, there are no problems in the muscles and nerves; it is caused by damage to the motor control areas of the brain, which undermines its control of posture and motion. Cerebral palsy affects different children in different ways. Movement difficulties can range from the barely noticeable to severe handicaps. Children can also have a learning disorder apart from other problems.
Except in its mildest forms, cerebral palsy is commonly detected during the first 12 to 18 months. The baby may fail to attain its motor milestones such as rolling over, sitting or crawling, within the expected time. Cerebral palsy is a condition in which the child’s brain is unable to exercise full control over the muscles, particularly those, which coordinate movement. Depending on the affected brain area, the disease may cause muscle stiffness or spasticity, involuntary motion, trouble with mobility and walking, difficulty in swallowing and speech impediments. Depending on the affected area, cerebral palsy is classified as either spastic, athetoid and ataxia.
There is no cure for cerebral palsy. Therapeutic intervention from an early age can help prevent secondary issues, enhance function and the developmental abilities of the child. Best Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Hulimavu, Bangalore. In CAPAAR When your child is brought to us, our experts will subject him or her to appropriate tests following consultations with you.
We will conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify the nature and extent of the child’s difficulties with motion and sensory processing. There will be a combination of standard assessments and observational appraisals to judge the child’s functional levels and specific areas that need improvement. Based on the assessments, we will recommend appropriate therapy options for the child.
Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy cannot be cured. However, intervention from an early age can help to promote function, prevent secondary problems and increase the child’s developmental capabilities. Your child will probably have an NHS physiotherapist but you may feel that you would like a sensory assessment of your child’s difficulties.
Also known as Asperger disorder, this condition is part of a group of neuro-development disorders that affect the patient’s behavior, language usage, communication and social interaction. CAPAAR has the Best Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Hulimavu, Bangalore. Our doctor says that Asperger’s syndrome was once classified as a distinct autism spectrum disorder (others included autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, Rett syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder). It was considered distinct as it a milder, or higher-functioning, a form of the disorders mentioned above. There is still some controversy whether Asperger’s syndrome should be considered a separate clinical entity or simply represents a high-functioning form of the autism spectrum.
If it is accepted that Asperger’s syndrome is one of the disorders of the autistic spectrum, the causes of Asperger’s syndrome would have to be the same as autism. However, the precise causes of autism have not been identified, though a genetic element is suspected to be involved. In certain cases, autistic disorders may be associated with teratogens, toxic exposure, prenatal infections or problems during pregnancy. These external factors may combine to modify genes or increase the acuity of the genetic flaw.
Socio-behavioral issues can be detected even during infancy. There are characteristic variations in social development; however, they are difficult to identify in toddlers. They may not even be seen as abnormal or might be attributed to other causes. Our Best Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Hulimavu, Bangalore has noticed that Asperger’s syndrome was most initially diagnosed when the child is in school. Studies show the average detection age as 11 years. Some symptoms, which may be present include:
CAPAAR has the Best Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Hulimavu, Bangalore. CBT is a form of psychotherapy that treats emotional problems and boosts emotional well-being by altering dysfunctional thought and behavior patterns. Unlike Freudian psychoanalysis, which seeks childhood root causes, CBT focuses on direct solutions. It encourages patients to shake off distorted perceptions and refrain from destructive behavior patterns.
CAPAAR has the Best Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Hulimavu, Bangalore. Developmental delay is the term used to describe the condition, in which the child is slower in reaching developmental milestones than is normal. This may be due to disruptions in gross and fine motor abilities and cognitive skills. Developmental delay can also cause speech and language difficulties and poor social skills. If a child is diagnosed with global developmental delay, it will experience delayed development in all areas of growth.
All babies and children develop at different rates in their own time but within a natural window of time. Some children may start walking and talking earlier than babies of the exact same age. However, there is cause for worry if the baby does not reach its developmental milestones within the accepted time spans.
Developmental delay is usually suspected in some babies soon after birth because of unusual muscle tone and feeding problems. Some babies may not be able to crawl normally or may learn to walk very late. In other children, developmental delay is suspected much later when behavioral and learning difficulties come to light. Best Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Hulimavu, Bangalore, CAPAAR says that
Developmental delay is a common condition that affects 1-3% of children. There are various reasons for delayed development. It may be due to a genetic problem like Down’s syndrome, infection during pregnancy, premature deliveries, meningitis in early infancy or injury, for e.g. head injury, in advanced childhood. The exact cause can be found roughly in about half of the cases of developmental delay. Developmental delay can manifest in the following forms:
CAPAAR is an integrated therapeutical setup dedicated to treat kids with special needs. So that they can lead a meaningful and independent life.